Custom HeroQuest Heroes
A friend usually plays this excellent board game (Heroquest) with his two ten years daughters. As they liked my painted miniatures i started to look for a small gift for them. First i was trying to acquire the original figures from the game, but.. uhh. they are quite expensive, even if there are a lot and they aren’t very good neither special figures. So then i started to look up for a dwarf, a mage, a barbarian and an elf in other brands.
I had pending to buy some Reaper miniatures for my own, so i took a look over his extensive range and soon i found what i was looking for.
Three of them are Reaper Bones (Except Barbarian), a very cheap range cast in a quite bendable plastic, not the best texture for paint, neither material, but for sure the cheaper one you will find around. Mage works pretty well, his stick was bended, as well as the elf sword, but a few seconds in boiling water (in a glass in the microwave), and it took a good position. I enjoyed a lot making the parchment’s details, and all areas are quite well detailed. Dwarf and over more, Elf, were not so easy to paint. In some areas detail is a bit confused, you are not very sure about what are you painting, and some details are very superficial. For example the Peacock in elf’s shield have some nice patterns everywhere.. but after prime and a base coat, neither a wash reveal them.
I read some forums before paint the Bones ones, some people seems to have problems priming this kind of miniatures. I must way it was fine to me. I primed them with white (Citadel) primer.
Barbarian is a metal cast figure, and it’s an excellent ones.
An the end, the little customers are happy with his present, so me too.
One last note, with my shipping, Reaper send a free sample paint bottle, from a brand i never tried before, called Master Series Paints (the full range is available in the Reaper store), and i must admit i like this paint.